Remember this

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Keep looking forward. It is ok to not feel regret about what you did, time you wasted. It is not wrong. Be happy with your life. Be grateful you are alive. This might be your last day in this world. Time won't go back. THIS IS YOUR LIFE. YOU ARE ALIVE. LIVE IT.

You only have one life. Average expectancy 70 plus years, if you live that long. Why feel bad all the time? You don't wanna be old and regret about the time wasted feeling bad. Not living your life as it should be. Wake up with a smile.

Only look back for lesson to learn. Or else it's wasting time feeling bad. No one wants you to feel bad all your life. Everyone wishes for the best. So Do your best. Gambate!


Anonymous said...


Rock Lee!!!! Hahaha! all the best dude! Sometimes, even being positive, with things happening, it might somehow make our confident shaken. The matter is, how you want to stay positive and bring things back to the right track? Believe that you can do it, see it with imagination that it happened, and believed that it happened.

Live life w/o regrets! If you feel regretted now, then it's time for you to do something to get rid it by doing something great for yourself and other people!

Young Eagle said...

Hey!! Didn't know that u;ve shifted here till i was at kenny's blog...haha

Well, what makes u moved out of a suddent?

create a tag box!!

Samuel said...

If someone were to ask me what is the biggest thing that I regret so far in my life.. is the fact that I can't go back in time to mend my mistakes

Jun Xue said...

Yeosh. I will try harder! Train my mental strength!

Young eagle: Hahha! Erm cuz.. well if you visit my old blog I gave some reasons.. easier to post photos and stuff like that. hehe!
Yea I will i will! hahah!

Samuel: Hmm.... word to ponder upon. I guess I have to look forward more.

nylus said...

to samuel,
you can never turn back time, so it is pointless to regret that you cannot turn back time :) unless you're hiro nakamura from heroes :P

just what i thought...

Anonymous said...

lol! even hiro nakamura himself got prob to do that. the more he do the more prob he had.

Haha! let history set its course!

Samuel said...

history.. haha... how come there is such thing as history but no herstory lei?

Jun Xue said...

You know... I have felt down many times and posted a few entries.. but whenever I saw this post, I fell better went back to delete it.


Anonymous said...

=o i can spam anywhear.. try stop meh..

wake up with food in your mouth.. :< maybe that halps .. >=3

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