No more internet connection

Friday, 8 August 2008

If I am not wrong, I won't have any more internet connection within one and a half hours time until I move in to Reading on the 22nd of this month. So.. this might be one last post for a long time.

I'm aware that I have not been updating frequently lately. I have sorted out the photos I took with the new camera but i haven't went through all of my dad's photos yet.

Anyways, lately, I have been relaxing quite a bit. Gaming with Hariz, James, Boon Chuan, and Hong Wid. I finally got tired of X hero siege hahaha! I'm halfway through clearing all my stuff.. all the unused brochures, expired food (especially those herbal packets), etc etc. Just need to file my notes. And then, I shall start putting stuff into boxes etc etc. Hmm... actually, I am a bit apprehensive about moving to Reading. New town, new faces, new lifestyle, it's like starting all over again. Oh, I gotta start buying clothes as well.

There are already signs summer is over. The temperature is dropping, and there's less and less sunlight. It's now dark at 4 a.m. Sigh. Winter.. The only thing nice is the city lights at night, and the occasional snow. Besides that, it's just cold all the time.

Tomorrow is Saturday. Another week has passed by. Time flies really. I think I shall end this here. Till next time!


nylus said...

it's now dark at 4am? that means it was bright at 4am?

Jun Xue said...

Yeap... starting to get bright. And there's still a bit of light near 10. And, suprisingly, I still have my internet connection.. hahahahahha who knows when it will be off

Anonymous said...

until 22nd?? damn... do update if u can... and PICS ON DEMANDS!

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