
Friday, 11 January 2008

Just watched Ratatoile. (dunno how to spell.. haha) Well.. I kinda expected it to be better somehow. hhmmm.

Anyways, I just found out that I can't install the software on my comp, for the FTIR equipment. So, I have to go to the (noisy, stinky) lab to try use the software next time. Suxxors.. why do they have to use Windows NT technology, and make it unable to run on my windows! Celaka ....

So no new pictures. Today's pretty cold. The landlord just came, to let some air off the radiators and to check the shower. It's been giving problem lately... now, it won't stop heating unless we shut off power supply to it... or else it will keep heating the water till it blows up... swt.

Well, that is better than no heating at all.. hhmm I shall take a bath after this, and then start studying liow. lalala~~ study till 5 am again... cuz i am only productive after 12 midnight (or wasting about 6 hours.. which ever occurs first)

Ja ne


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