A short story

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Hello people. Vibration is driving me nuts.. kinda... hhmm tmrw's the last day to prepare.. I hope this term's paper won't be very hard with all the tricky questions etc... lol.. one can only pray.

Anyways, next few weeks gonna be buuzzzyyyyy... exams here and there.. argh.

Below are some pictures I taken lately but never had the chance to post"

Things you do when you are bored
It's Mount Zion! Reminds me of The Matrix.. lol
Turned out to be blurry.... lol..


Esther said...

what sort of vibrations? hahaha

Anonymous said...

structural vibrations: analysis and practise

nylus said...

the first picture look so gaya wan... lol...

Anonymous said...


thank you thank you =)

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