Thursday, 31 July 2008
Hello people!
Place where I share bits about my life, and occasionally, my troubles and worries.
Hello people!
Posted by Jun Xue at 17:56 14 comments
Labels: My life in Sheffield
Hello people! Yes it's been a while. The reason for the lack of updates is primarily my laziness. You see, I have two sets of photographs (grand total of 2K pics) which I have yet to sort. Well I did start a bit, but well... sigh.
Anyways, this is my first summer in Sheffield (and sadly, probably the last). My first proper summer holidays. On one hand, it's good to almost totally relax, have a nice break whilst I can before throwing myself into the working world (note to self, must work super hard now that you're having so much free time). However, sometimes, when I see some people taking some part time job, I feel guilty towards my parents, spending their money (right now lar) bumming (I admit I do have stuff to do, but I still waste quite a bit of time here and there, taking my own sweet time whenever possible).
Actually, instead of complaining (which I do quite often, something I've been trying to change for a while now) about being all alone in my house, and most people not in Sheffield, I think I should enjoy the British summer to the fullest! Get some warm nice sunshine, so rare in winter and autumn and.. well basically most of the year.
It's so easy to forget the dreary cold weather throughout the year... ahhh we seldom treasure what we have. I shall blog about any activities I partake in in the future =)
What else... Oh yea, my graduation photographs. It's all in my new Camera. Okok.. tomorrow I shall transfer them all into my computer and sort them out. It's quite a task since it takes up so much space.. and I have to compare photographs from both camera to delete similar photos....
Oh yeah, I have finally decided on my accommodation in Reading.. small little room, right next to Foster Wheeler office (I hope I won't be assigned to the other office in city centre.... T__T). It seems that most landlords in Reading tend to put double beds in small rooms just so that they can charge us much higher rent. Consequently, there's really not much space to move about in the room. I just hope I can fit a small desk in there for my laptop and speakers.
Another thing is, nowadays I find it a bit hard communicating with my colleagues... maybe it's just me trying to get used to using an English slang (yea yea we can argue about this later), but I think generally it's just me being too shy. (You might not be able to tell from this blog... LOL). So, gotta remind myself to speak louder and with more conviction. YEOSH.
Here are some random photos I took.
Posted by Jun Xue at 00:56 1 comments
Labels: My life in Sheffield
I'm back! After my journeys. Just taking my own sweet time to go through the 2K photographs I have before posting some up here. There's too much to write, so I will probably summarise it lol!
Posted by Jun Xue at 18:44 0 comments
Hello people! As you can see, the tittle has got nothing to do with the post. Anyways, I think, I somehow prefer to blog for myself nowadays... instead of, purposely writing an entry for people to read. hhhmm
Ohh these are pics from Yee huai's farewell dinner. Sort of. Lolx. All the food were donated by her and her housemates
Posted by Jun Xue at 14:40 6 comments
Labels: My life in Sheffield
Just a while ago, I realised that soon, everyone will be parting. At least, my housemates Tad Song and James. Barry has already left, so has Wang Ang. I myself will be going down to London on the 12th to meet up with my parents and go on a short Europe tour. The next time I'll be meeting Tad Song will be on the 24th, and then he'll be back to Malaysia. James will be traveling around with his dad and probably leave for Malaysia on 8th. Which would then, probably, leave poor Jun Xue alone.
Who knows when is the next time we'll gather again. I am somewhat saddened. This parting seems so sudden. Although I know that there is quite a big chance for me to meet up with them individually and contact them, I still can't help but feel.. well.. a bit down. Maybe it's just the thought that I won't be living with them anymore. Everyone's leaving 20, Filey Street. Hahhah this must be what Fung felt last year.
Anyways, past few days was spent successfully HOLIDAYING properly. Feeling lazy, sleep a lot, walk outside, play games until I have a headache, eating instant food. I've progressed so much in Final Fantasy VII! Yay! I've managed to lose track of time. Which is so fun to do. It was just a few days.. but wow... it was like yesterday. LOL!
I think I have to stop it already.. or else it'll be harder and harder to get back to reality. hahaha! Besides, it's starting to get boring if you just keep playing game. Well, at least before I progress the the next stage in holidaying: Addicted to holidays.
Tomorrow! I shall buy a bag for my travels to Europe. Currently, my big luggage bag's wheel is broken (the second time). I think I shall buy a back pack. Hmm... time to go shopping. I haven't sorted out my clothes for the trip yet, which I shall do after my dinner.
Anyways, here end this post. Tomorrow, I must remind myself to snap more photos of people =)
Posted by Jun Xue at 22:52 1 comments
Labels: My life in Sheffield
Hello people!
This update is more of for myself, I guess. Or at least that's the intention of it. Anyways, what I have done this week. Basically, enjoy life! Whenever I complaint about not having a good holiday, I should look back to this post and remind myself: I was too lazy and stingy to go out and have some fun. Nevertheless, I have managed to obtain the Highwind in FFVII!!! Yeosh.. way to go. TIme to finish this game off and then reformat my computer.
Nowadays, it seems like my computer will lag for a few seconds once in a while, making gameplay sucky. I wonder what's the reason? Perhaps I shall try to use daemon tools. Hmmm ><
What other stuff? Oh yea.... No more piano T___T
Remember, whether or not you feel joyful everyday pretty much depends on your outlook. Life your life with intention and you shall feel more fulfilled!
Okok here are some pictures I took:
Posted by Jun Xue at 14:16 0 comments
Labels: My life in Sheffield, Myself