Random pictures #9

Monday, 18 May 2009

Hello People!

Pictures from my phone as promised!

My desk!

Sunset.. I belive you find beautiful sunset/sunrise/afternoon sun (wtf) here during winter times because of the angle of the sun to the atmosphere.. feels like.. hmm... the sunlight in the battle of Peleanor fields in LOTR.

I took many pictures from my desk of beautiful sky/cloud.. but it all turned out like crap. I realised I pose a lot when I take pictures, for example here lol

Yein Shiang er... praying!? lol taken during trip to Wales
Beautiful clouds! One thing rare here!
Tried to capture the innumerable dandelion spores drifting but I failed... I only had my handphone then... I was walking back from my grocery shopping trip. That was when I really felt the summer-time er... feel... er.. .atmosphere... ugh.

More pictures next time!


ButTeRcUp said...

wow! i damn like the composition for pic 4!

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